Frequently asked questions
Look at the list of questions and answers first. Then, if your question is not answered, please contact us at [email protected]
How do I download the podcasts or worksheets onto my computer?
What is pins?
Who is pins?
Is it free?
How much does it cost to become a member?
How can I become a member?
I paid and have a username and password. How do I log in?
Where are my log in details?
I'm having problems logging in, why's that?
What does 'subscribe' mean?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I download the podcasts or worksheets onto my computer?
Right click on the ►download button. Then select Save Target (Link) As....
What is pins?
Podcastsinspanish is a website to help students of Spanish and teachers of Spanish.
The podcasts have three levels: level 1 is for elementary students, level 2 is for lower intermediate and intermediate students and level 3 is for upper intermediate students and above. Most of the recordings are conversations or interviews with a range of different accents.
All the podcasts are supported by worksheets which have a variety of listening tasks. These encourage students to listen for general meaning as well as detail. Language work includes vocabulary and grammar tasks.
You can download free worksheets with answers and transcripts here.
Who is pins?
Podcastsinspanish is produced by two experienced teachers of Spanish. You can read more about them here.
Is it free?
Listening to the podcasts and viewing the videos is free. These can be downloaded onto your computer or mp3 player if you wish. However the worksheets, which include listening activities and the transcript, are not free. You need to become a member to download these.
How much does it cost to become a member?
To become a pins member costs €18 for three months or €30 for 6 months. For this you have complete access to all the podcasts, activity worksheets, transcripts and webquests. We add new material every week. Your school can become member and therefore share all the documents between all the teachers for just €130 per year.
I paid and have a username and password. How do I log in?
Just click on any worksheet. Type in your username and password, you can now open all the worksheets.
Where are my log in details?
You choose your username and password when you register at the site. Make sure that you are using the correct username and password- they are case sensitive. If you have forgotten your password or want to change it go to the login page. You can also access your membership information here such as when your subscription is due to renew.
NB If you joined before October 2019 - you will find your details in your paypal account.
Or you can contact us.
I'm having problems logging in, why's that?
1. Make sure that you are using the correct username and password. NB they are case sensitive.
2. Make sure you spell the words correctly, it's best to cut and paste the log in details.
3. If you're still having problems please contact us, we will try and help.
What does 'subscribe' mean?
To subscribe means that money is automatically taken from your account every 3 or 6 months. However, if you only want to pay once you simply cancel your subscription in your PayPal account. You still have access to all the worksheets for 3 or 6 months but at the end of that time your account is cancelled.
How do I cancel my subscription?
We will send you an email a week before your subscription is due to renew asking if you want to continue or cancel.
ALSO You can cancel after you log in here.
OR contact us.